Thursday, January 7, 2010

Ark Play Wavelength

Our next show will be January 24th at The Garrison, Toronto as part of the fabulous Wavelength.
Unfortunately we are unable to participate in the big 10 year Wavelength anniversary in February since Justin will be away. This is very sad for us since it has become somewhat of a tradition for us to play it every year. It'll rule though so you should go.



Announcing the Release of "Icy Hands" Video

Our latest video for the tune "Icy Hands" or "The Icy Hand that Guides Us" as it is actually called, has officially been released. Many thanks to director Dylan Reibling and DOP Stephen Chung for all your great work.

Check it out:

Lullabye Arkestra - Icy Hands from Scion A/V on Vimeo.